An Introduction

A word to an invisible audience,

In many way's I am just like you. Yet, in many way's I am different. So, let's first build upon commonality and truth. The foundation which I build upon is Christ Jesus the God-man. The Christ who suffered and who was slaughtered for His people. The Christ who rose from dead after three days. This Christ is whom I build my life upon "All of Christ For All of Life" says it perfectly. I endeavor to live all aspects of my life in light of this truth:

This reality may deter some, yet I implore you to stay. I just request that you don't impose caricatures upon me for what I believe or my position. Yet, engage with them, hear me. My mission which I seek to accomplish is to simply bring value to you the reader. You are my neighbor, and I seek to be a blessing to you, whether or not this conviction is mutual. So, whether this blessing is through a better grasp of a specific concept, or engaging with an alternate perspective, or being enlightened to a useful strategy. I write for myself and you. I write for myself to better understand my position and ideas. And for you, to bless you with what I have come to understand and know. So whatever walk of life you come from, welcome. My name is Nalyk and this is Nalyk speaks. A small plot of virtual property where Christ is the foundation, truth is engaged with and put into use. Ideas of variety will be exchanged here. May minds be persuaded and changed. Wisdom espoused and embraced. I hope what is composed here will be a blessing to you.

So, welcome.